Find Inspiration In The Most Popular Running and Marathon Blogs right here.
I love running blogs! Reading about the experiences of other runners is a great motivational factor for me. I could have written a top 10 or top 50 list but since there are so many awesome blogs: Here is my list of the 105 Best Running and Marathon Blogs to follow! They are all popular and frequently updated sites. The number was previously 130, but I have cleaned up a bit during the years.
The websites represent mostly individuals, but also some brands. Even if I have tried to find a good gender mix, it seems that women are more into running blogs than men. There is also an interestingly large amount of people from Washington DC represented, but of course lots of other places too.
I’ve listed the blogs in alphabetical order since I found it very difficult to range the blogs otherwise. If you don’t want to read from top to toe, start at the bottom and read upwards.
If you know any other cool running blogs, maybe your own, I suggest you mention it at the bottom of the page. Maybe you will be featured in my next most popular running blogs list.
Congrats to the selected blogs! Thanks to the bloggers who helped me fine-tune the information. You are great! At the bottom is an Award Badge you can use on your site if you want.
Shortcuts: A-C, D-F, G-I, J-L, M-O, P-R, S-U, V-Z, To the bottom.
1. 50 by 25

Laura –
The blog 50 by 25, with under title ‘Every goal should have a happy hour at the finish line’, is all about how Laura set a goal of running one mile without stopping in 2006. She continued to set bigger goals, until she became the youngest woman to run a marathon in all fifty states before she turned 25.
It is inspiring to read how she continuously set new goals and how she pushes on to reach them. The blog also contains many useful articles about running advice, goal setting, travel, and productivity.
Twitter: @50by25
2. Ali On The Run

Ali –
Having a bad day? Just click into Ali On The Run and read about what the always smiling girl Ali and her dog are up to. She even has a list of 100 Happy Things she turns to herself when she needs some positivity.
The blog is filled with great articles about her personal life, running and stuff about marathon preparations sparkled with lots of pictures. Highly recommended.
Twitter: @aliontherun1
3. An Ultra Runners Blog

Will –
With the motto ‘Live. Run. Inspire’, Will write about all aspects of ultra running in his blog An Ultra Runners Blog. He has written an excellent piece about motivation, an emotional post about when it is time to say goodbye to your running shoes (when they are worn out) among lots of other cool posts.
Twitter: @willrunlonger
4. Ask Lauren Fleshman

Lauren Fleshman –
Lauren Fleshman is a columnist for Runner’s World, a coach, a pro athlete and the co-founder of Picky Bars. On her site Ask Lauren Fleshman you can as a runner ask her questions about training, nutrition, gear and other things or read her journal with lots of superb articles.
Twitter: @laurenfleshman
5. Ben Does Life

Ben Davis –
In 2008, Ben Davis the creator of Ben Does Life realized he simply wasn’t happy with his life. He started a blog and running-project to change his lifestyle. Now he has done several marathons and an Ironman. It is very inspiring to see his result and what you can achieve if you just keep going!
Right now he is walking from Los Angeles to Boston.
Twitter: @BenDoesLife – Instagram: bendoeslife
6. Birthday Shoes

Justin Owings –
Birthday Shoes, created by Justin Owings, is the best site if you are interested in FiveFinger shoes – you know the shoe type that has individual pockets for your toes. Also called barefoot shoes or minimalistic footwear, they are becoming increasingly popular for running since they are more biological natural than ordinary shoes.
Twitter: @bdayshoes
7. Brian’s Running Adventures

Brians training and running blog covers his last 16 years with over 16,500 running miles, 90+ races, ultra marathons, marathons and much more. Brian’s Running Adventures has tons of interesting reading, and each post is filled with related pictures.
Twitter: @cledawgs
8. Brooklyn Active Mama

Nellie –
Nellie loves fitness, family, fashion and fun and write about it in the blog Brooklyn Active Mama. She lives, obviously, in Brooklyn NYC with her husband and two boys. She is also a runner, and in February of 2015, she ran her 4th Half Marathon.
She has a couple of regular feature posts I suggest you check out like the Weekly Wednesday Workout and the Friday Fitness Check In.
Twitter: @BklynActiveMama
9. Can’t Stop Endurance

Kevin Leathers –
Kevin Leathers has 35 years of running experience and is an RRCA-certified running coach. Coach Kevin is the National Coach for the St Jude Heroes program.On his blog Can’t Stop Endurance he writes about everything related to running, ultras, marathons, nutrition and product reviews.
Twitter: @KevinLeathers
10. Carrots ‘N’ Cake

Tina –
Carrots ‘N’ Cake is a fantastic blog written by Tina about health, lifestyle, food, exercise and fitness. Her favorite ways to stay in shape are CrossFit and running, and there are lots of great articles about that including workouts.
She has published two books based on the blog. Remember to check out the great recipe section.
Twitter: @carrotsncake
11. ChiRunning

Danny –
ChiRunning is a site founded by Danny and Katherine Dreyer. They write about their revolutionary technique developed by ultramarathoner Danny to help people run pain-free and injury-free. The technique focuses on relaxation, posture, mind and correct running methods.
Check out their site if you want to learn ChiRunning.
Twitter: @chirunning
12. Chocolaterunsjudy

Judy –
I love reading Judy’s running blog she has named Chocolaterunsjudy with the subtitle An older, slower runner with a passion for half marathons & chocolate.
She started running at the age of 40 and was almost 50 before she ran her first half marathon. Now she has a goal of running a half in every state. Truly a big inspiration – it is never too late to start running.
Instagram: chocolaterunsjudy
13. Coach Debbie Runs

Debbie –
Debbie’s goal with the site Coach Debbie Runs is to inspire and motivate people to live a healthy lifestyle. She is an RRCA certified running coach and personal trainer and has written lots of useful articles about training, workouts, racing, and race recaps.
Check out the Blogging Tips section too if you have your own blog.
Twitter: @CoachDebbieRuns
14. Dawn – Sometimes an Ultrarunner

Dawn –
Dawn is a paraglider pilot who loves running. Her blog, Dawn – Sometimes an Ultrarunner, is filled with pictures and great stories about her adventures.
She says on her blog that she tries to combine her love of paragliding with running so she can hike up into the mountains and then fly home! Sounds great.
15. DC Rainmaker

Ray –
DC Rainmaker is one of my favorite blogs, and I’m not the only one thinking that. Ray’s site show up on almost all ‘best of blog’ lists there is. He is a professional blogger and a true triathlete; he swims, runs and bikes.
He has his own podcast and writes awesome, detailed product reviews. Remember to check out his travel blog.
Twitter: @dcrainmakerblog
16. Diary of a Rubbish Marathon Runner

Thomas –
Thomas, who is an ultra runner, writes about running in the beautiful area of Caragh Lake, Kerry, Ireland. In his blog with the funny title, Diary of a Rubbish Marathon Runner, he details out his races and experiences before and after.
He is married to Niamh and a father to four children between ages 8 and 15. I suggest you check out his entertaining blog right now.
17. Dr. Nick’s Running Blog

Nick Campitelli –
Dr. Nick’s Running Blog is all bout research, reviews and running. The author is Nick Campitelli, who is a podiatrist specializing in foot and ankle surgery with interest and enthusiasm for running as well as helping runners with injuries.
His blog is a great place to start if you want to prevent running injuries or get help if you already have got an injury.
Twitter: @runnerdoctor
18. Dreaming of Footpaths

Sarah –
Dreaming of Footpaths is the inspirational story of how Sarah changed out bad food habits and started running simply as a very efficient way of burning calories. Then she continued and became really good at it. Now she is a ultra-runner.
Read her whole story on the blog.
Twitter: @mia79gbr
19. Eat Pray Run, DC

Courtney –
Courtney writes about her training details, marathons, recipes, her life and about blogging on Eat Pray Run, DC. It is no doubt she’s good at it, and her blog looks great and have lots of valuable articles.
Check out her Blogging 101 section if you want to start writing about your own running adventures.
Twitter: @EatPrayRunDC
20. Elbowglitter

Megan –
Elbowglitter, with the subtitle ‘Leaving bits of confetti in my wake’, is Megan’s running blog. She started running in 2006 and has never stopped. She is a triathlete, lawyer, and a cat lady living in the Washington, DC area according to the about me page.
Check out her comprehensive Race Report section too.
Twitter: @elbowglitter
21. fANNEtastic Food

Anne –
Anne started the blog fANNEtastic Food in 2009 with the goal of inspiring others to live a happy and healthy life. She is a dietitian, marathoner, yogi, CrossFitter, and lover of the outdoors, adventure, travel, and healthy recipe creation. Great interests for a great blog, and I absolutely recommend checking it out.
Twitter: @fANNEtasticfood
22. Fat Girl Running

Mirna –
Fat Girl Running is an inspirational blog written by Mirna, who says she is an active larger girl who loves the universal sport of running and testing clothing and gear. She also blogs for Women’s Running Magazine and Merrell, and when she is not doing that she is a Spanish teacher, choral director, diversity practitioner, cross country running coach, and avid trail runner. Wow.
Twitter: @TheMirnavator
23. Feetures

Feetures –
This site features many interesting bloggers that talk about running, nutrition and training in many interesting articles. Features is really a high-quality performance socks brand, so visit them if you need new running socks.
Twitter: @Feeture
24. Fetcheveryone
Fetcheveryone is an entirely free website for runners in all levels that let you be part of a huge running community. It is a service that makes it easy for athletes to keep a record of their running activities, share, and read about the activities of their fellow runners.
You can discuss running in the forum, find races and people near you, blog and submit pictures of yourself, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Twitter: @fetcheveryone
25. Fine Fit Day

Carly Pizzani –
Carly is a personal trainer that talks about running, blogging, and her life as mama and wife in her blog Fine Fit Day. The site has tons of interesting stuff to read about healthy living, running and strength training, marathons, food, and yoga among other things.
Twitter: @CarlyPizzani
26 Fit Fun Mom

Angela –
Fit Fun Mom is a training and running site created by Angela. Her goal with the blog is to spark an ongoing dialogue about how to make and keep fitness and nutrition fun, so be sure to take action and comment on her posts.
In addition to writing about Fun and Fitness she also talks about Family and Food. 🙂
Twitter: @fitfunmomdotcom
27. Float On

Reid Coolsaet –
Float On is distance runner Reid Coolsaet’s blog. Right now he writes about how to get back into running after a back injury. He has an impressive list of personal best times on his About me page and an interesting Strava account to follow.
Twitter: @reidcoolsaet
28. FueledByLOLZ

Hollie –
If you want to read an entertaining blog written by a fun girl, check ou FueledByLOLZ. Hollie is 25 and lives in New Jersey. She used to swim and hate running, but in 2011 everything changed and she started running instead.
Check out her fantastic and long Running Story article.
Twitter: @fueledbylolz
29. From Strength to Strength

Becca –
From_Strength to Strength is the diary of Becca’s journey from the sofa to becoming a fitness enthusiast. It took her just one year of training to get in shape to complete the London Marathon. Very impressive and motivating!
Be sure to read her stuff on how she continued, began strength training, and completed, even more, marathons.
Twitter: @from_strength
30. Healthynomics

Mark –
Mark, a former Kinesiologist, wants that beginning running and being healthy should be easier, so he created Healthynomics. With all the fitness guru’s out there it can be difficult to find the right path if you, for instance, want to start running. He offers a free running course for beginners, so check it out.
If you want to become a runner but don’t know where to start, check out his awesome free running course for beginners.
Twitter: @marklkennedy
31. Hungry Runner Girl

Janae –
Janae started running as a twelve-year-old and never stopped. After the Boston Marathon in 2010, she created the Hungry Runner Girl blog where she talks about her love for running and personal stories of her day-to-day life. When she got her first child, it also drew more readers to her blog.
Twitter: @hungryrunnergrl
32. iRunFar
iRunFar is a great resource site for information about trail and ultra running. They provide you with timely news, race reports, gear reviews, editorial insight, among other things.
The site has many great contributors, but the main admins are Bryon Powell and Meghan Hicks.
Twitter: @iRunFar
33. Jeff Galloway’s Blog

Jeff Galloway –
Jeff Galloway’s Blog is written by the legendary former U.S. Olympic runner and runner coach, Jeff Galloway. Learn more about him on Wikipedia.
His blog and other sites contain tons of useful, motivational stuff focusing on injury free running.
Twitter: @JeffGalloway
34. Jill Will Run

Jill –
Jill is a distance runner and certified running coach. She started the super blog Jill Will Run, in 2008 and talks about how she is recovering from the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa, running, and new running, fitness and health products.
Twitter: @jillwillrun
35 JogBlog

Cathy –
JogBlog is Cathy’s site about running. She started exercising after she quit smoking and writes about running, cycling and general fitness. She has a first class degree in Creative & Professional Writing which is clearly visible in her writing.
Twitter: @jogblog
36. Kristina Running

Kristina –
Kristina is 29 years old and writes about her favorite hobby in her blog Kristina Running. With a marathon under her belt she is now working towards her dream of running a 50-miler someday.
I recommend reading the inspirational page called My Running Story.My Running Story.
Twitter: @kristinarunning
37. Kulit on the Run

Vimz –
Vimz, from Manila in the Philippines, got into running because she wanted to lose weight and become fit. She managed to fulfill her goals and now appreciate running in the outdoors and mountain biking more than ever.
Her blog, Kulit on the Run, is a journal of her experiences with running and being in the great outdoors.
Twitter: @kulitrunner
38. Laura Lohr
Laura Lohr is a lifestyle blogger who is a stay-at-home-mom, wife, and runner. She began blogging in 2004 and then embarked on the journey training for her first marathon. She found out that she was pregnant only one month before the race and had to postpone it a year.
Now she has run many races and marathons and is on a quest to return to a healthy weight and overcome health obstacles. Visit her blog and cheer Laura on as she follows her dreams in her beautiful life.
Twitter: @mommycanrun
39 Lazy Girl Running

Laura –
Laura is a personal trainer, run coach, marathon runner, writer, and of course the owner of the blog Lazy Girl Running. She started running in her 30ties simply because she wanted to become an athlete. Great goal!
She has written two books called Tricurious and The Lazy Runner and has some great guides on her site.
Twitter: @lazygirlrunning
40. Little Miss Runshine

Jessica Miller –
Jessica, or Little Miss Runshine, is a fitness fanatic, wannabe foodie and loves to try new things. You can tell by the blog name that she simply LOVEs running. She became addicted once she graduated college, but didn’t like it so much before.
She enjoys inspiring others to run and learning from other runners, and that’s her goal for her site. Go check it out for more inspiration.
Twitter: @LilMissRunshine
41. Liza Howard

Liza –
Liza Howard is a personal and well made ultrarunning blog. Her About me page sums it up quite well: “Liza is a national champion runner with multiple records in distances ranging from marathons to 100-mile trail races.”
Twitter: @LizaHoward1
42. Malc’s Running Blog

Malcolm –
Malcolm is a serial marathon runner and blogger who has the extensive and great site Malc’s Running Blog. He has lots of articles on former and upcoming marathon events.
Take a look and get inspired by a guy who truly loves running.
Twitter: @Malc262
43. Marcia’s Healthy Slice

Marcia –
Marcia’s Healthy Slice is written by a woman who describes herself as a busy wife, mother, sister, animal lover, runner, writer, yogini, healthy food enthusiast, recovering fat girl, kombucha drinker, master procrastinator, horse whisperer and more depending on the day. So she has lots to write about on her inspiring blog.
She also loves running, of course, and will try to inspire and challenge you to try new things.
Twitter: @Teamarcia
44. MCM Mama Runs (For Beer and Bling)

Erika –
Erika is addicted to running, beer and travel and writes about all that in her blog MCM Mama Runs. I love how she combines beer and running, and can help you chose which beer to go for. She also has lots of experience in planning training for a busy schedule if you have taken on to many marathons.
Twitter: @mcmmama
45. Meg Runnergirl

Megan –
Meg is short for Megan, and she is a dedicated runner. She’s a former reporter for Runner’s World, but now she writes on her own on Meg Runnergirl. It is an inspiring blog you should read and follow.
Twitter: @megrunnergirl
46. Mile Posts

Dorothy –
Mile Posts is written by Dorothy, who suddenly started loving running, and has created a way of life around it. She is the creator of I Run This BodyTM t-shirts and has been featured a ton of sites and magazines. Since 2003, she has participated in 31 marathons and is still going strong.
Highly recommended and valuable reading.
Twitter: @mileposts
47. Movin’ It with Michelle

Michelle –
Michelle is a retired Air Force Master Sergeant and the creator of Movin’ It with Michelle. She found a passion for running, writing, cooking, and photography after battling depression for many years.
She has run three full marathons and 13 half marathons and is continuously moving forward towards new goals.
Twitter: @MichelleMovinIt
48. My First 5K and More…

Darlene –
Darlene is a runner aged over 60 which has a blog with much inspiration called My First 5K and More. It is no secret that you don’t need to be young to run – we have seen many examples of that before, but if you need a bit of motivation, follow her blog and races and see what an “older” (her words) runner can do. 🙂
Twitter: @dcardillo
49. My No-Guilt Life

Patty –
Patty, the owner of My No-Guilt Life, is a busy mother, wife, runner and Disney fan from Arizona who has completed 20 half-marathons and a full marathon so far. Her affection for the family led her to the path of a healthier lifestyle, and it is admirable what she has achieved.
She says she is a bit geeky, which is reflected in her cool profile picture.
Twitter: @noguiltlife
50. Neon is my color

Theresa –
Theresa writes about the positive sides of fitness, exercising and freedom of running on her site Neon is my color. Even if you have turned 50, that’s no excuse not to take care of your health. She naturally loves wearing the color neon and her whole site is a great reminder that being visible running along the road can be life-saving.
Check out her recipe section and great training tips posts.
Twitter: @arunningchick
51. No Meat Athlete

Matt Frazier –
No Meat Athlete is a site dedicated to plant-based diet and how that can affect both your running efforts and training. The founder Matt Frazier gives you training tips, recipes, inspiration, and advice on how to do the transition if you want to try. He is an experienced athlete with several marathons and ultramarathon on his record and has been featured in several books.
Check out his great podcasts too!
Twitter: @nomeatathlete
52. Old Man Running

Allen –
Old Man Running is the truly inspirational blog written by Allen, who is 80 years old. It’s a great, and inspirational blog written by a guy that has run for over 40 years. I hope I’ll reach his age and still have his passion for running.
I like his My Philosophy of Running page, and I think everyone should read his thoughts about why he runs.
Twitter: @noinjuries
53. Preppy Runner
Preppy Runner is written by Theodora who used to love food, but maybe the wrong type. In 2009 she decided to change her lifestyle and started eating healthier, exercise and manage to lose 50 pounds. She started blogging about it and documenting what she ate and her workouts and now she is a runner addict.
Her blog is now simply about how she stay fit and happy in NYC. I’m sure you can pick up some tips.
Twitter: @tblanchfield
54. Quadrathon

Stuart –
Quadrathon, with the under title ‘coffee… swim… bike… run… beer… write… repeat‘, is Stuarts site. He’s into trail running, ultras, marathons, road cycling, mountain biking, snowboarding and a lot more. In November 2012, he finished his first Ironman Arizona.
Twitter: @quadrathon
55. Racing Stripes

Elizabeth Clor –
Elizabeth is a 30-something runner, marketer, writer, and pianist. She loves zebras, that is why her running blog is called Racing Stripes. She lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with her husband, Greg who is a runner too. Her racing merits include a grand total of 20 marathons and over 25 half marathons.
If you want a new running book to read, check out her book called Boston Bound: A 7-Year Journey to Overcome Mental Barriers and Qualify for the Boston Marathon.
Twitter: @BostonBoundBook
56. RandRuns

Randall Wharton –
Randall is from Ireland and writes the very popular and visited blog called RandRuns. He is an experienced ultrarunner and has tons of advice for you.
Even if he claims he is not an expert, I recommend reading his great posts Running Your First Ultramarathon and Marathon Advice For Beginners.
Twitter: @randwharton
57. Run All The Trails

Ryan Delany –
Run All The Trails is written by a regular guy who loves to run, named Ryan. Particularly he enjoys the trails in and around Salt Lake City. He says he is not a professional athlete but his passion and love of running started in 2009 when he was 80+ pounds overweight and decided he wanted to run a half marathon. Now he has run many!
Twitter: @ryandelany
58. Run Bulldog Run

Steve Speirs –
Steve, the man behind Run Bulldog Run, is a published author, a husband, dad, beer drinker, and ultra runner from Wales. He started running in the 80ties and has an impressive list of highlights from his athletic career.
Twitter: @britishbulldog
59. Run DMT

Denise –
Run DMT is a blog about fitness, food and family fun, written by Denise. She began running in 2007 and became addicted. By following her blog, you will get a glimpse into the interesting world of this marathon mom on the run who’s trying to maintain an easy pace between raising three kids and races.
Twitter: @denisermt
60. Run Eat Repeat

Monica –
Monica from Southern California created Run Eat Repeat 6 years ago to document her diet, weight loss, healthy recipes and training for her first marathon. Now she has run dozens of marathons and half marathons. She also loves eating and use a method called Intuitive Eating to keep her weight. Visit her site to learn more.
Twitter: @runeatrepeat
61. Run To The Finish

Amanda C Brooks –
Run To The Finish by Amanda Brooks is a great blog with lots of advice on getting a healthy lifestyle. Amanda shares her story on how to get there, how to understand clean eating, enjoy the fitness habit, create a stress-free healthy life and find the motivation to reach your next goals. She also discusses recipes, workout ideas, running tips, has expert interviews and more.
Twitter: @RunToTheFinish
62. Run Wiki

Lisa McClellan –
Lisa is a mother of three and married to a U.S. Navy Diver. She loves to run, write, create recipes, DIY and above all laugh. Her blog Run Wiki is a place for all runners, fast or slow, where they can connect through the love of the sport.
Lisa says running has made her stronger than she ever thought possible both physically and mentally. Read her blog for more motivation,
Twitter: @runwiki
63. Run, Selfie, Repeat

Kelly Roberts –
Kelly is, according to herself, not a born runner but self-made. She used to hate physical activity, but now she is an addict. She made headlines when she took selfies with hot guys through the New York City Half Marathon in 2014. Her well written and entertaining blog Run, Selfie, Repeat is tailor made for new runners or new to the fitness world, with tons of advice and inspiration.
Visit her YouTube channel for awesome videos.
Twitter: @KellyKKRoberts
64. Runblogger

Pete Larson –
If you have questions about running shoes, Runblogger is the right place to be. In addition to running, Pete, who is a former college anatomy professor with a Ph.D. in biology, reviews shoes and gives great advice on how to become a better athlete.
Twitter: @runblogger
65. RunnerDude’s Blog

Thad McLaurin –
Thad, aka RunnerDude, is a Certified running and fitness coach and hosts the popular RunnerDude’s Blog. While keeping the blog alive, he is also the owner of RunnerDude’s Fitness in Greensboro, North Carolina, and is a contributing writer for He has a BA in Education from UNC-Chapel Hill, and his credentials include personal trainer certifications from NPTI and ACSM, as well as running coach certifications from RRCA and USA-Track & Field.
Thad can help you reach your fitness and running goals and guide you in your marathon training. His goal and greatest reward are helping others live healthy, active lifestyles.
Twitter: @runnerdude_
66. Runnergirl Training

Runnergirl –
The Runnergirl Training blog has articles back to 2008 with lots of interesting information. The author is a runner, personal trainer, yogi, and fitness consultant with a Masters degree in Kinesiology, and Bachelor degrees in Exercise Science & Psychology. She also writes a lot of product- and phone app reviews.
Twitter: @runnergirltrain
67. Running Advice and News

Joe English –
Hundreds of thousands of runners have stopped by Running Advice and News since the start. The site was originally created by Coach Joe English, who is a professional marathon and triathlon coach. Co-writer Dean Hebert, who is an expert at performance improvement for runners of all distances and also works extensively with youth runners, frequently write on the site.
The goal of the site is to give you in-depth information about the sport of marathon running and advice to make you the most successful runner that you can be.
Twitter: @RunningAdvice
68. Running Divas Australia

Erica King –
Running Divas Australia is an online fitness and health community for women that provides training, support, guidance, motivation and anything else you need to achieve your fitness and health goals. The site was founded by Erica King, who started learning the art of running from scratch at the age of 38.
With the diva’s real experience and expertise they can assist you with achieving what you previously thought was impossible, so give them a visit. Check out their YouTube channel with lots of exercise videos and advice.
69. Runninghood

Amanda –
Amanda is the founder of Runninghood, a running, motherhood, and lifestyle blog. She is passionate about learning, living authentically, teaching, and finding ways to challenge herself to live life to the fullest.
Twitter: @Runninghood1
70. Running On Peanut Butter

Allie –
Allie is a funny girl with a deep, passionate love for peanut butter, running, and lifting weights. Her goals are important, and she is constantly focusing on being the healthiest version of herself. Read all about it and more on her blog, Running On Peanut Butter.
Twitter: @alewis19
71. RunningPhysio

Tom –
Tom, the founder of RunningPhysio, is a physiotherapist with over 10 years of experience. He loves running and focus on injury prevention and management and gives you expert advice on the subject matter. If you struggle with something, check out his Injuries articles from the menu with articles on knees, foot, calf, hip and much more.
Whether you are a beginner or ultramarathon veteran, I’m sure you can get lots of good tips from him in your efforts to run injury free.
Twitter: @tomgoom
72. Running with Attitude

Michelle –
Michelle is a busy mom from Boston that use workouts, pilates, yoga, and running as a way to get a bit of much-needed balance in a hectic life. She writes about her life and training in her fitness blog Running with Attitude.
Read about what’s working and not working as well as a portion of nutrition and product reviews.
Twitter: @RunAttitude
73. Running With Perseverance

Coco –
Coco’s blog, Running With Perseverance – Balancing Life With Fitness And Faith, helps her catalogs her thoughts, daily experiences, struggles, and triumphs as she tries to balance a busy life. Staying healthy and fit helps her get through the daily stresses of work and family.
Twitter: @Got2Run4Me
74. Running With The Girls

Jen Boudreau –
Jen is a mother of two, wife to a runner, a runner herself, and a full-time HS Math teacher and MS And summer track coach. Her site, Running With The Girls, gets over 10.000 visitors each month. Jen is addicted to running and motivates her own children to be healthy, fit and happy as well, while inspiring others to do the same.
Twitter: @RunningWTG
75. Runs for Cookies
In 2009, Katie found herself in a miserable state weighing 253 pounds. But with sheer determination, hard work, exercise and diets she lost 125 pounds in 16 months time. Very admirable. She became a runner, and the rest of the history is available on her blog Runs for Cookies.
Twitter: @RunsforCookies
76. RunWestchester

Joe Garland –
RunWestchester is a running blog written by 55-year-old Joe. He took up running around Park Drive in Central Park, New York City, while in law school and continued until he moved out of the city. Now he lives in Mount Vernon where he frequents local trails.
He also has a site called Westchester Trails with information of great routes to run in this vicinity.
77. Sharman Ultra
The blog Sharman Ultra, is written by online ultrarunning coach Ian. He is the head coach of the site Sharman Ultra Endurance Coaching and is also a public speaker and journalist on various running mags.
His merits including the completion of over 200 ultras and marathons in over 30 countries globally in every type of weather and on all terrains. He has many big wins and set a lot of impressive course records. He is the record holder of the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning to mention one. Check out his About page for complete list.
Twitter: @sharmanian
78. Shut Up + Run

Beth Risdon –
Beth from Colorado discovered 5 years ago that she loves to run. Now she has run both Boston Marathon and a couple of Ironman races. She emerges as a disciplined (or driven) person who likes a bit of fun and tries new things.
That is why her blog is called Shut Up + Run. Just do it! Don’t make excuses, just run!
Twitter: @ShutUpRun
79. SoCal Runner Gal

Kate –
Kate is an avid marathon runner, Certified Run Coach and Run-Fit SpecialistTM, and full-time marketing professional. She has a lot of running experience with six marathons and countless half marathons, and she loves to help others. In fact, she offers fully customized training plans and run coaching with ongoing communication.
Check out her site, SoCal Runner Gal, if you think that is something for you.
Twitter: @SoCalRunnerGal
80. Strength Running

Jason Fitzgerald –
Strength Running is the perfect place to start if you want a new personal best, is tired of injuries or not reaching your goals. Marathoner Jason will help you combine the rights workouts, mileage, strength exercise, and recovery.
200.000 runners read his blog every month, and he has helped tens of thousands of runners with result-oriented coaching programs. He is also the author of the book 101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner.
Twitter: @JasonFitz1
81. STUFT Mama

Kristin –
STUFT Mama is written by Kristin, who is a marathon running, treadmill loving, fitness instructing twin mama with a passion for healthy living and finding balance. She is an ACE group fitness instructor and personal trainer, but her number one job is being a mom.
Visit her site for an insight into her STUFT life with posts about family life, treadmills, workouts, videos, recipes, motivation, and more.
Twitter: @stuftmama
82. Sweet Miles

Sarah Ingle –
Sweet Miles is a well-written running and lifestyle blog. She works as a digital marketer and SEO specialist by day, and a blogger by night, as well as being a photographer on the side. The blog started as a way to keep up with her running and fitness journey, and she has 2 full marathons, 7 half marathons, and numerous shorter races in her merit list.
Instagram: Sarah_Ingle1
83. Sweat Science

Alex Hutchinson –
Do you want some scientific input before your next marathon or fitness training? The very informative column Sweat Science is a great place to start.
Alex Hutchinson looks for the latest studies on all topics related to the science of fitness, ranging from neuroscience to nutrition, and examine what they do (and don’t) tell us about how to run faster or live longer. For instance, what is the best way to cool yourself on the run?
Twitter: @sweatscience
84. Taking the Long Way Home

Wendy –
Wendy has run plenty of half marathons which are her favorite distance. She is the mother of two teenage boys and works as a pediatric nurse. She writes about her life on her blog Taking the Long Way Home. After a busy day, she put on her running shoes some free time and calm down.
Currently, she has incorporated cross fit into her training regimen, and she does yoga to maintain flexibility and have a road bike for cross training.
Twitter: @oldrunningmom
85. The Active Joe

Libby Jones –
Libby is a stay-at-home mom of two little girls. In her blog, The Active Joe, she writes about her busy life which includes running, being a race director and being a mom.
She has been running for 9 years, and over the years, she has become very involved in running outreach and holds several roles in the North Texas running community.
Twitter: @libbyruns
86. The Athletarian

Christina –
Christina writes about her life as an athlete and vegetarian on her great site The Athletarian. She uses the site to document her training, share recipes and food ideas, recap races and show you bits and pieces of her life.
She used to hate sports growing up, but in Univeristy, she fell in love with the indoor track at the athletic center. Then she began to run outside and eventually race. Now she has run all distances from 5Ks to full marathons.
Twitter: @TheAthletarian
87 The Bull Runner

Jaymie Pizarro –
The Bull Runner, who’s real name is Jaymie, dreams of running marathons all over the world. She is the first Filipino to finish the World Marathon Majors (New York, Chicago, Berlin, London, Tokyo, and Boston). In total, she has run 13 marathons and finished the Ironman 70.3 in Cebu twice. Wow.
She trains regularly and runs four times a week and also loves swimming, biking, and yoga. Read all about it on her blog.
Twitter: @thebullrunner
88. The Fat Girls Guide to Running

Julie Creffield –
Julie is a runner and founder of the site The Fat Girls Guide to Running. Her main goal with the inspirational site is to show that everyone can run, no matter which shape you have. If you run…you are a runner.
She has written a whole bunch of e-books and has a great course called Five Weeks to 5K.
Twitter: @fattymustrun
89. The Fit Foodie Mama

Annmarie –
Annmarie is a foodie, avid long distance runner and functional fitness coach. Her blog, The Fit Foodie Mama is filled with nutritious allergy friendly recipes geared toward busy athletes as well as strength training workouts for runners.
Visit her blog for running advice and recipes to fuel your run!
Twitter: @FitFoodieMama
90. The Girl That Runs

Zoe –
The Girl That Runs is written by Zoe, a girl from the UK who lives in Brisbane Australia. Her motto is Train, Improve, Repeat. She uses running as a way to clear her head and when she is annoyed – and when she have had a huge amount of chocolate or take away the day before.
In the last ten years, she has run 4 full marathons, at least 10 half marathons, several 10k and 5k’s. Go check out her cool running blog.
Twitter: @Thegirlthatruns
91. The Local Elite

Jen Bigham –
Jen comes from a family of runners and has conquered many marathons. Now she has Olympic Trials dreams and runs for Oiselle as a part of their Elite Racing team.
Jen says running gives her the energy she needs to live a busy life! Check out her blog The Local Elite for some very inspiring and motivational stories.
Twitter: @jenbigham
92. The Marathon Man

Trent Morrow –
This is the guy from Australia that holds a World Record for most official marathons on all 7 continents in 1 year! That is a great achievement. Trent, who now lives in the USA, is the founder of the website The Marathon Man.
He writes about how to continuously set new goals, how he crossed the Sahara desert and many other things. A true Superman.
Twitter: @themarathonman
93. The Pursuit of Awesome

Alison Heilig –
Alison is an ultra-runner and coach who started The Pursuit of Awesome in 2013 as a place to store her race reports which later evolved into a blog where she chronicles her journey in pursuit of all things awesome. In 2015, she left her job in corporate legal to start her own business training endurance athletes.
She now spends her time running local trails, coaching, teaching yoga and writing about all the things she’s passionate about as a contributor to a bunch of websites and blogs as well as keeping her own blog and coaching business up to speed.
Twitter: @mtgcoachalison
94. The Road Less Run

Angela –
Angela writes The Road Less Run blog. Common themes on her blog include running, life with her adorable cats, her addiction to drinking coffee, and her journey through graduate school as she works toward an M.A. in Sport Psychology.
She started blogging in 2014 because she woke up one morning and felt compelled to start a blog. She believes in fate and serendipity and often writes about how she wouldn’t be where she is if any one thing in her life didn’t happen.
Twitter: @TheRoadLessRun
95. The Runner Beans

Charlie –
Charlie is a 27-year-old Londoner whose obsessions are food and fitness. She strives for a healthy balance between the two while writing about it on her cool blog The Runner Beans. Her goal is to make fitness and healthy eating simple, approachable, realistic and without missing out on any of the good things in life.
Remember to stop by her YouTube channel and Instagram profile.
Twitter: @charliedwatson
96. The Runner Dad

Matt Orlando –
The Runner Dad is a site dedicated to topics related to running, parenting, inspiration and motivation. Matt doesn’t claim he is an expert on those topics, but he’s sharing his views and I love reading his amusing blog.
He is an IT guy by day, but his true passions besides running are reading, watching movies, photography, travel, being outdoors and being a dad.
Twitter: @TheRunnerDad
97. The Running Man

The Running Man –
The Running Man claims to be One of the most popular ultrarunning blogs on the web today, and I can’t disagree. He started running long distances in 2004 and has completed over 70 foot races. He has a great article called Are Ultras for You, I suggest you read if you want to give it a go.
98. The Science of Running

Steve Magness –
Steve is currently the Head Cross Country coach at the University of Houston for both the men and women. He is also a professional running coach for several athletes, and you can hire him too.
Steve has in-depth knowledge of The Science of Running and has written two books about the subject, and has contributed as a writer to many large running sites and magazines.
Twitter: @stevemagness
99. The Tiny Terror

Amy Lauren –
Amy, or The Tiny Terror as she calls herself, is a technical writer who loves running in the spare time. Since she works from home she uses running as a way to socialize. In 2010 she was convinced by her company to run a local 5k trail. She thought it was fun both training for it and run it, so she signed up for a 10k race only months later.
In 2010 she was convinced by her company to run a local 5k trail. She thought it was fun both training for it and run it, so she signed up for a 10k race only months later.
Read more of her story on her blog.
Twitter: @ProudPatriot07
100. Tom’s Next Step

Tom Denniss –
Tom, the man behind the site Tom’s Next Step, is a truly inspirational and unique personality. He had an unbelievable goal, and he pulled it off. He is the official World Record holder for the fastest circumnavigation of the globe on foot which is the equivalent of 622 marathons in 622 days = 26,232km.
That means running 50 km a day on average. Very impressive!
Twitter: @tomsnextstep
101. Two Motivate

Drea McLarty –
Drea is a certified Pilates instructor, SPX specialist, and a highly competitive athlete. She writes about the ups and downs of training, being a mom, planking, running and advice you proper nutrition on her site Two Motivate.
If you have any questions about Pilates or want to join her classes, contact Drea on her site.
102. Veggie Runners

Jayne and Bibi Rodgers –
Veggie Runners is an award winning and fun lifestyle health, food, and fitness blog written by Jayne and Bibi who is mother and daughter. They love running, fitness, food, and travel, but say that you don’t need to be a runner or veggie to find useful information. They want to inspire you to be the fittest version you can be.
They are also columnists in the running magazine RunABC among other sites.
Twitter: @veggierunnersUK
103. Vita Train For Life

Allie Burdick –
Vita Train For Life is written by Allie from Connecticut. She has been running now for over a decade and completed seven marathons including Boston in 2007 and New York City in 2015.
She firmly believes that you don’t need to run for anything specific like a marathon or weight loss, but for life itself. Vita means Life.
Twitter: @vitatrain4life
104. We Wander And Ponder

Jenny –
Jenny, the blogger behind We Wander And Ponder, created the blog in 2010 when she decided to train for her first marathon. She discovered her true passion for running and ran Chicago in 2011, where she qualified for the Boston Marathon for the first time.
I highly recommend reading her blog posts if you want to know more about a marathoner’s training and life.
Twitter: @jennypoore
105. Weight Off My Shoulders

Dani Holmes-Kirk –
Dani is a blogger from the Boston area. She started Weight Off My Shoulders to write out her thought after suffering a back injury and subsequent back surgery. Her hope for the blog is to help other people going through similar situations like eating disorders, depression, and weight loss.
I think she is a very inspirational person and suggest you check out her site. As she says herself: Running = therapy … freedom … life!
Twitter: @IrishEyes1982
I’m impressed you have read it all. I hope you agree that these are some awesome running blogs! Here is a shortcut to the top of the page if you want to start again.
Share your own running blog in a comment below and please share or link to this great list if you enjoyed it.
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Here is a badge you can proudly display on your site if you are one of the 105 Best Running blogs in this list.
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Wow, that’s impressive! If you can’t find anything to inspire you there, then you may as well give up!
Seriously good research, well done!
Thanks, David! I agree, these bloggers are impressive.
Wow Wow and Wow, I feel like hit the running blog jackpot so many authors who are inspiring. It will take me weeks if not months to read all this information. you are right for every male author its at least a 3 -1 female author ratio. Being someone that is a little (ok ok a lot) on the pudgy side i will probably start with number 69 and 83 on your list.
Thank you for all the great running blog options.
Haha, yeah. Lot’s of females. They write awesome running blogs thou. Perhaps I should make a list over only male bloggers.
Now that is a solid list!
Thanks, Matt! Hope you are happy to be in. Love your blog.
Awesome list, will definitely check out some of these that I don’t read already. And, thanks for including me!
Thanks, Beth! Glad you like the list. Sure, you deserve to be included. Hope you find something interesting to read.
That is a great article. Tons of information. I could find out about anything I wanted to about running
Glad you like it! These runners blogs are the absolute top of the heap. You will not find better information, inspiration, and motivation other places than these blogs.
Thank you for including my blog on your list Andreas!
No problem Angela! You have a cool blog.
What a great list! There is something for everyone!
Thanks! Yes, I tried to find a good mix of runners of all kinds and professionality. The two things every of these bloggers have in common is that they run and they are great people. 🙂
Impressive list and honored to be a part of it! Thanks so much and congrats to everyone else 🙂
Thanks for the comment, Allie!
That is some list! From the likes of Lauren Fleshman or Ian Sharman down to your everyday runners, there must be something for everyone in there. Very impressive and comprehensive!
That was the goal. 🙂 Thanks for the comment.
Thanks so much for including me. Awesome list you collected.
So happy to see many of my friends in this list – and some new faces that I will have to check out.
Thanks for including me in this list, I’m humbled to be named among some truly awesome runners!
Thank you so much for including me!!
Thanks for the shout-out Andreas! Run long and strong, everyone!
Thank you for including my blog with these amazing other running blogs! I am very honored!
Thank you for the shout-out!! Love this post!
What a great list! Many of the blogs I read and follow are on here and I’m happy to discover some more to inspire me!
And I forgot to add that I have my very own blog and maybe someday it will be on a great list like this!
Nice blog! Thanks for adding it here in the comment section. 🙂
Thanks for including me on the list. Looks like I have some reading to do!
Thank you so much for including my blog along with all these other amazing running blogs!
Thanks for the mention.
Thanks so much for including me! Great list.
I love them all! And thank you for adding mine to the list (#60). I’m beyond honored. But, I have an entire new arsenal of bloggers to add to my reading list!
Holy cow, this is a lot of awesome! Thank you for including me (even though I don’t always blog about running- fair warning new readers! 😉 ). Tons of great runners to check out here. You rock, Andreas!
Wow! What a great list! It’s an honor to be listed alongside so many of my favorite running blogs. Thank you!
Awesome list! I know a lot of these fabulous people and look forward to “meeting” some new ones 😉
Great list- you should check out my blog Breathe Deeply and Smile. I’m a Baltimore area runner and coach!
This is a great list! I’ll definitely be checking out some of these blogs I’m not already following. Thanks for including me!
Thanks for including me on the list. There are a lot of good ones here!
Thanks for including me on this list. There are a bunch of blogs I need to check out!
Thanks for the mention – appreciate iT!
Thanks, DC Rainmaker. Appreciate your comment here.
I love reading running blogs too and this is a great place to find some new ones! I’m honored to be included on your list. xoxo
Wow, thanks for including me on this list! I’m honored to be included with such awesome blogs!
So honored to be included! Thank you so much!
No problem. Thank you, for writing an awesome blog.
Wow! Lots of familiar blogs, but also so many new-to-me ones for me to check out 🙂 Thank you for including me. I can’t wait to start reading some of the others’!
Thanks for the comment. 🙂
What a great list!! I read about a third of them.. Always looking for new motivation and inspiration!
thanks for this list!
Thanks for your kind comment! I agree it is a lot of running blogs! 🙂 I’m happy if you found a new interesting blog to read.
Just a great list!!!! I’m always looking for more inspiration and your post nailed it!
Awesome list! I follow many of these incredible blogs. I’ll have to check some of the others out. My blog is
Nice blog! Missed that one, so thanks for the comment.
Thank you so much for including my blog, Andreas! Lots of familiar blogs here for me that I already love and I’m looking forward to discovering some that are new to me.
Wow, what a comprehensive list of running mad bloggers! I’m going to struggle to find time to run with all this to read. Thanks for considering my blog ( as noteworthy for your list, Malc
What an awesome round-up! So many fabulous running bloggers out there. Great job on this list, Andreas! And thanks for considering for an award – it’s an honor to be named among so many talented folks!
Thanks, Alison. 🙂
Andreas, thank you for researching and creating such a detailed list. I can no longer plead ignorance. Good job and a really neat idea.
Thanks, Josephine!
Just browsed through a few of it. Some very interesting ones. Especially liked Ben walking across the States, singing the Mulan soundtrack! 🙂 Original!!
Thanks! Some amazing people here for sure! I truly enjoy reading their inspirational running blogs.
How’d we miss this?! Thanks so much! Great list 🙂
Thank you too for writing a great blog. 🙂
Can I plug my running blog.
Come with me on my journey to a sub 2:40 marathon at 50.
Always running and then always blogging about it…. bk
Sure. 🙂
Thats an amazing site and a sea of information for you to go through bringing us all of that info from so many blogs in this one niche! as a suggestion, I would have went in reverse order as its better to have a countdown to number 1. Great Job!
Hi! Thanks! Good suggestion. The blogs are not ranked in a particular way – I found it difficult to range these excellent running blogs from number one to 130, so I just arranged theme alphabetically. It might be a bit unfair to some, but that’s the way I did it. I understand that for a reader it might be me more interesting to start with number 130 and count down to one.
Wow what a comprehensive list. I’ve just started to blog for new runners. I’ve been running for three years now and want to share thoughts, advice and tips for new runners or those thinking of taking it up.
Great blog you have with valuable information about running for new runners.
Awesome post! Thanks for putting all these great sites together in this list.
I started blogging about running to some months ago. So here’s my URL:
I appreaciate every visit 🙂
Cool running blog you have. 🙂
These are 10 blogs from Belgium & The Netherlands:
And these, too:
Thanks. 🙂 Good lists.
Wow, I just stumbled on your list. Good stuff!
I was wondering if you’d like to take a look at my blog
Either way, keep up the awesome work 😀
Thanks for this list, Andreas! I am definitely bookmarking a lot of the blogs, I was familiar with the Science of Running, but many of these are new to me. I shared a list of motivational cross country slogans with my readers who like running, I hope you like it, take a look: Cross Country Slogans
Great list. I am just getting back into running after a multi-year break. Long way to go and it’s helpful to have so many wonderful blogs to rely on for support. I just launched to keep me accountable. Thanks.
Hi, Dave! Thanks for the comment and link to your own blog. Much appreciated. Andreas
Hey here’s one blog, just starting out and its from a lady in Melbourne:
Thanks. 🙂 Keep up the good work. Andreas
I just read your post on the top running blogs.First of all, I would like to thank the author for sharing such a comprehensive running blog list with us.I have read several health blog posts and last week i found the website The website includes several healthy tips especially for working moms on different topics including pregnancy, children, health, safety, food, and parenting etc. The author Cascia is very talented and she includes all the useful points in a very right way that makes the posts interesting to read right from start to end. Personally, I am suggesting all my friends who are working moms and those too who are parenting to go through this website and get the best expert parenting tips ever.
For your reference i have attached the link too to this website.
Thank you for reading my comment.
Thanks for the comment. I will check the website out. Andreas
I was looking for other running blogs and came across this list. So now, I get to add mine, too. .
Great. Thanks!
Wow, good stuff. Thanks for sharing them. I really like how you emphasize the importance of getting a good pair of shoes. I love running but I have flat feet and you can’t imagine how painful to run with them. I got some injuries but I didn’t want to give up like that. Fortunately, I finally find good shoes just for flat feet only. Once I wore them I wished I would never have to put them off.
I’m planning to blog more regularly again @ 🙂 I really love this run-blog community! You’ve listed so many of my favorites. Hungry Runner Girl is amazing!
An interesting selection of blogs about running. It was quite interesting to get acquainted with her since I run myself:, so I think I will find something interesting for myself among them.
Thanks a lot for such a big work. BTW you can check my running website: